Leibster Award!

I am really speechless because I NEVER win anything and to me this is like a biggo winning lottery ticket.  I am tickled pink and would love to thank http://wildwonderfulgingerssnaps.blogspot.com/

  Now you ask, “What exactly is a Leibster Award?”  Well dear readers, it is a nomination from another blogger, that means your blog is an up and coming blog!  It is for bloggers that have less than 200 followers, that deserve some recognition and support. We all need a little support to keep on blogging, right? Well, the award is passed on to other bloggers that fit the criteria, to help spread the word!  It is also a fabulous way to get to know your fellow bloggers!

From what was passed on to me, my predecessors  have researched the word leibster.  Leibster is a German word meaning; sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 

The Rules are simple

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.

  The Madness of Mommyhood’s Nominees for The Leibster Award

10. http://badparentingmoments.blogspot.com/
11.  http://kimberliah.com/

11 Questions For Me:

1. Where were you born?  Allen County (Scottsville, Ky)
2. What is your most favorite thing from childhood? playing outside until dark and then smelling the supper that mom cooked as I came through the door
3. Why did you start blogging and why do you blog now? Is it the same reason you started blogging?  I started blogging as therapy for myself and I still do.
4. What is your favorite silly made up word? twatwaffle
5. Who is your favorite leading man/woman? Tom Hanks/Julia Roberts
6. Who is your favorite heroine /hero from any book and why? I read all self help and mommy books so not sure
7. Have you gotten to know any of your fellow bloggers personally? No but I wish!
8.  What is your favorite holiday? Halloween
9.  Who is your role model and why? My brother. He fought leukemia for 3 years and never complained a single day
10. What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you there yet, and are you what you wanted to be as a child?  I wanted to be a teacher until my brother got sick and then I wanted to be a nurse.  I graduated nursing school in 2004.  I have returned to school to get my Bachelors in Psychology.
11. What is your favorite quote?  In three words I can sum of everything I’ve learned about life: It Goes On


 11 Random Facts About Little Old Me

1. I think mommyhood is the most rewarding thing in the entire world
2. I am completely and insanely crazy about Adam Levine
3. I love to read funny mommy books
4. I have 8 tattoos and plan on getting at least two more
5. I catch myself watching “Good Luck Charlie” even when the kiddos aren’t around
6. I  was and always will be a daddy’s girl and I miss him so bad it hurts
7. Halloween is my favorite holiday
8. I love rain and thunderstorms
9. I watch way too much television…and most of them are crime shows
10. I had my first baby at 18 and my last at 38
11. I lost my brother to leukemia which was the main reason I became a nurse

11 Questions for my nominees

1. Where do you live?

2. What is your favorite book?

3. What is your favorite hobby (besides blogging)?

4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

5. If they made a movie of your life who would you pick to play you?

6. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

7.  Do you have a lucky charm?

8. What is your birth sign?

9. Name one thing on your bucket list

10. What is your favorite candy?

11. What was the saddest moment in your life?

7 thoughts on “Leibster Award!

  1. Woooohooo! Congrats girl! You deserve it!
    Loved reading the answers to your questions and the 11 facts about you. I feel that “Good luck Charlie” is our reward for years of Barney, The Wiggles and other crap;) I love that show! Check out Do With a Blog, too! 😉 Congrats awesome lady!
    (Pursuit of Normal girl)

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